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Find out what is best for your baby (and save this note for future reference!)

June 09, 2015 1 min read

We recently partnered with goop and HATCH to prepare a guide to the best non-toxic products around.  

Goop's fantastic editors asked for the help of renowned pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp, the creator of the bow-at-its-feet brilliant Happiest Baby on the Block empire who is well aware of what little ones face in terms of the toxins around. Dr. Karp also provided some great advice on breastfeeding!Christopher Gavigan, co-founder of The Honest Company, takes us through the intricacies of diapering and other non-toxic choices for little ones



There is great advice on everything from diapers, bottles, toys, blankets. As a new mother, you will be keeping this note and share it with friends, because it's everything you need to know to get you started in the parenting ladder.


Read the article in full here and share your own recommendations with us!

with love

flora and henri