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A Call To Action

June 03, 2020 3 min read



1 out of 3Black men will be sent to prison in their lifetime vs.1 out of 17white men.(Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights) 


Black people are3 timesmore likely to be killed by the police than are white people.(Mapping Police Violence, 2019) 


Black Americans and white Americans use drugs at similar rates, but Black Americans are6 timesmore likely to be arrested for it.(NAACP) 


99% of killingsby police from 2013-2019 have not resulted in officers being charged with a crime.(Mapping Police Violence, 2019) 


Use of police force is the6th leading cause of deathfor young Black men in the U.S.(PNAS, 2013–2018) 


These violent patterns continue because of American systems that uphold anti-Black racism, notably including the over-policing of Black individuals, which leads to police brutality and mass incarceration. The preservation of these systems furthers racial inequality in America and serves to maintain white power. 

Now is the time to come together as a community and fight for Black people’s right to live. This is not a Black issue. This is a human issue. This is your issue.

Please share this information with your friends, family, and co-workers. Start conversations, raise awareness, and hold yourself accountable. Inaction is not an option. Silence is complacency. 





SIGNthese petitions: 


DONATEto these organizations: 



CALLto demand all​ officers be charged for: 

George Floyd’s death 

  • Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman | (612) 348-5550 or (612) 348-2146 
  • Minnesota Governor Tim Walz | (651) 201-3400 
  • Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison | (651) 296-3353 
  • Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey | (612) 673-2100Breonna Taylor’s death 
  • Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell | (502) 574-6336 
  • Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear | (502) 564-2611 
  • Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron | (502) 696-5300 
  • Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer | (502) 574-2003
  • VOTE!!!Politicians have enormous influence, not only through legislation and legal justice but also in shaping community sentiments and civilian behavior. For example, President Trump recently tweeted “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” condoning further killings of Black Americans and directly quoting racist former Miami police Chief Walter Headley’s 1967 statement. 



VOTE: Use your right and responsibility as an American to show up at the polls and support politicians committed to ending police brutality. Research presidential, congressional, state, and local candidates. Every election matters. Black voices have long been actively suppressed when it comes to voting. Use your voice to fight for theirs. 



LEARN MORE:13thandWhen They See Uson Netflix //Code Switchand1619in Podcasts app //New York Time’sAnti-Racist Reading List