Candylab Toys was born out of a desire to revive the glamorous '60s American modernist vibe and carve it into awesome contemporary wood toy designs.
As designers and parents, they draw on many influences, not least of which is their deep love of classic American Cars and the craftsmanship spirit of mid-century artisan furniture designers. From the beginning they centered around a few core principles. One of those being the extensive use of natural materials, unique craftsmanship, and steadfast adherence to principles of the midcentury pioneers of modern design: that great design should be attainable, and not reserved to luxury status. Sustainability is necessary to understanding and appreciating Candy Lab. Instead of using plastic they use sustainable materials that can handle wear and tear without gucking up the environment for the next thousand years. So, unlike other toy brands around the world, They set themselves apart in one major way: believing that wood as a natural, renewable resource can be just as versatile as plastic when it comes to building engaging and attractive toys. Their mission is to make wooden toys better than plastic ones.