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Gorgeousness Going Forward!

March 17, 2020 2 min read

your home is a haven

let's all live and love!

To our flora and henri community,

These are the most unforeseen times for all of us. We are each navigating the effects of this virus day by day, and even hour by hour.

We are trying to find our grace and wisdom as we respond to the best advice and information available. It has become increasingly clear to us that the only decision is to temporarily close our brick and mortar doors to ensure the safety of our beloved staff and you, our loyal customer-partners, to decrease the impact of this virus and its consequences on our community.

We apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment the store closures may cause, and hope that you understand this decision was made with deep consideration on our part. The financial consequences will prove exceptionally challenging for a business our size, and we hope you will continue to support us with your patronage.
In the meantime, flora and henri has so many gorgeous treasures fully stocked to bring comfort, beauty, calm and love into your homes. Let us all live and love from home until we see each other in person again very soon.

The breathtaking environment of flora and henri is available in its entirety for your perusal online at with FREE shippping,
and you can always call us to receive our most committed, boutique and personal service at
888-749-9698 or 206-749-9698.

Everything from our stores can be delivered safely to your door. We will take every precaution to assure your order is processed and packed using careful, cautious and sanitary practices.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding. We value our friendships and connections with you, and will do everything we can to serve you through this new landscape.

XOXO The flora and henri family 💕


We offer you this grounding sentiment that is currently circulating online:

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home, remember those who have no work.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close, remember those who have no options.

May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that have no place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market, remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember those who have no home.

During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find other ways to lovingly embrace our neighbors.